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Home Sex Stories One on One House Hunting

House Hunting

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Male · 48 · United States of America
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1 Year Ago
Category: One on One

House Hunting

I arrive at the house she's "showing" me and she's already there, the front door stands invitingly ascew. I walk in without saying a word. I lock the door as I close it softly.
Following the scent of Rose water and desire, I find her in the kitchen, leaning back against the center islands top. Her hair up in a bun, astutely held in place by an ink pen. The lightness of her near see through summer dress hanging beautifully from the apex of her curves. The lack of visible bra strap sparks memory of her disliking panties too.
Before I can speak she smirks, pushes off the island, upright to stride in one seamless motion. The heals of her fashionably worn boots tapping out a cadence nearly as quick as my heart beat's pace. A pace that skipped a beat then doubled it's speed the moment I saw her face.
She brushed by me as if I was any of a hundred potential buyers. Immediately starting her shpeil, "The house was built in blah blah blah. It has yada yada bedrooms and blah bathrooms, the school district is..." who cares. "The neighbors are..." whatever.
I'm not listening as she strolls into the living room. Slightly distracted by the sound of her heels echoing through the empty room. She's describing the Craftsmanship and origins of the bold, room dominating, 10 ft tall rock and timber fireplace as I catch up and take her hand.
Pulling it back then up. With hand over her head I spin her 540°.
Using the first full spin to take her in. Stealing a moment to admire the bits of visible thighs briefly exposed as her dress's hem caught lift from a centrifically created updraft.
Using the final half turn to position her, face and front side to fossilized fireplace, back side and ass to beloved blast from the past.
Grasping her other hand, stacking them palm to back and interlacing her fingers, I place her soft manicured hands directly above her head as high as upstretched arms will reach.
I start to slide my fingertips first over wrist, past forearm over...
Her hands begin to lower.
With both my hands I grab hers stretching her arms skyward again, pressing my chest to shoulder blades, backed by an ample amount of body wieght. I lean lips towards lobes and calmly but with enough conviction in my tone to convey my seriousness, "Leave. Them. There." I say no more.
Again my hands begin to decend, callused palms inverted to feminine flesh, fingernails slowly sliding, starting at wrists, down forearms, over elbows, following tensed triceps downward, ever so softly grazing the tender back side of her underarms.
Turning hands over and opting to trace inside of dresses neckline around to her front. Confirming no bra. Nervous knuckles barely reaching cleavage when, with wandering finger tips gripping both sides of necklines deepest dip. Suddenly a swift, powerful, fist separating pull...
Loud and crisp is the echoing of bouncing buttons.
A sharp audible inhale follows, both sounds raucously ricochet around the naked room.
Unintentional auditory outburst instantly putting her shock on display.
Simultaneously exciting me in an old familiar way.
The reverb of that reactionary breathe detracting from the sound of flower printed fabric fracturing.
Exposing alabaster breast as tantalizing tear plunges towards waistline.
Retracting fisted fabric around ribs cage to spine and pressing bare chest heavily, harshly to cold multi textured stones.
A wince and flinch, reaction to pain felt from jagged edge nearly piercing breast's flesh near left nipple's crest. Soothing coolness felt from, smooth, glass like surface of rounded stone nestled beneath right breast. Just to name a few nipple hardening, sentually maddening sensations felt by her nearly sensory overloaded torso.
Though Mostly it's her titties that, with my left hand continuing to apply pressure, will continue to experience the full measure of the fireplaces titillating textures.
Leaning in, adding an almost unbearable amount of body weight to her beautifully bulbous backside. I whisper "Leave them there." Giving a little nudge to shoulder blades opposite boulder bound breasts, confirming breasts were to stay put.
Mouth so tight to ear, lower lip drug lobes edge while instructions were delivered.
Again, my hands decend slipping over hipbone front to back then delicately down outer thighs. Finger's tips collect behind each knee before climbing steadily up each legs back side, hooking dresses hem, lifting it past waist around hips to a tucked resting place between pelvis and fireplace rock.
Chalky white ass fully exposed I give into the urge, slapping first left cheek *Smack* then right *Smack* momentarily leaving me motionless, mesmerized by rippling rump's firm resistance to jiggling. Too toned in fact, *Smack* I giggled, I did. *Smack* such an uncontrolled response was that. I then grab tattered dress at the peak from which it hangs between necks base and shoulders edge, rough and carelessly tugging it past waist til just over hips the fractured floral fabric flounders to the floor.
I place hands on shoulder blades, thumbs tight to spine's sides. Smoothly, slowly my hands glide almost frictionless down back, cruise convex curves two thirds down ass.
Slipping thumbs in crack as if peeling an orange I seperate the two beautifully toned parabolus that together are her near perfect ass.
Slowly I start to squat then kneel there behind her, taking time to breath long deliberate breathes of warm lust down her slightly goosebumped spine. Dragging first my lower lip, then my up a short distance and just one time. Stopping at tail bone and ass cracks rendezvous point, I lead with wet tongue's tip follow that with puckered lips ending in a momentary french kiss
With puddled saliva mid tongue I again place tongue's tip this time on edge of starfish pressing tongue to flat. Pursed flesh is instantly saliva soaked. My tongue traces a few clockwise laps around the circumference of slightly clenched orifice before wetting tongue and starting at taint climbing crack providing pressure just short of penetration.
Reaching ass's pinnacle celebrated with a playful bite from each side of apple bottom's top before tongue dives again this time counter clockwise laps, faster, sloppier tongue occasionally plunging into starfish. Apparently taking things beyond the tossing of salad and now straight eating ass and doing so till plenty of time had passed.
Standing tall again i take hold of her hands and again lead her through a spin. Pirouette concluded with her headed through kitchen door me at her heals.
Carelessly I push her into newly updated kitchen's island. The momentum bending her slightly forward at the waist, without time to get straight I force face, chest and navel flush to island's top.
Standing back to unbuckle belt and again admiring that phat ass. I pull belt trough loops and quickly strike that ass.
She starts to pick up torso and turn, with just a bit of aggression in my tone quickly I bark, "Don't you fucking move!"
Now with accelerated pace I unbutton, unzip, drop trough, thrust dick between wet lips till a touch past balls deep. Start with drawn out slow pace, shifting to longer, well longer than most, strokes every inch pulled out and every inch thrust in with steadily quickening speed and equally increasing force. Till, after some time and a considerable amount of incomprehensible moans, ass cheek claps and a little bit of pleasure filled laugh from me.
I inquire through shortening breathes, "Baby will you come with me?" I pause and offer a sensual taunt, " Please, baby, please cum with me. That pussy's so good...I'm close, I really wish you would." Taking a few breathes but offering no respite steady pounding that red and rippling ass.
With the sharp swift *Slap* of leather belt connecting with ass I grip hip bones harsly and in a demanding and forceful voice I say, "God damn it, I said Cum. That means..." belt cracks other cheek, " you cum and you cum now!" I pull her head back twisting it hard in attempt at making eye contact. Again barking orders, "You Filthy little whore, fuck you then I'm about to come and I swear to christ you better not fucking cum." I pullout and with a couple swift strokes my load is lauched, residing across ass and lower back. *Smack**smack* Twice more I selfishly slap ass, each cheek recieving hands grace independently. Red handed silhouette staying in place.
Stepping back I squaltch my satisfied smirk and, " House is nice but, I don't want a fireplace." I said heading for the door buttoning my pants, belt around neck. "Let me know if you find another place to show me!" I yell stepping through the doorway, "No fireplace, K? Nice seeing you again." I said quickly as the door closed.

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